Friday, January 22, 2010


I come down the road,
Hauling a leg and carrying my load,
An itinerant in search of my home...
Covered in sludge: my persona...

Who am I?
Wake me from my slumber...

Peety Pity Silly Bum!
I sing this song and i need a rum...

Who am I?
Wake me from my slumber!

Watch me climb up hill,
A lull loathe dark?
little Malcom Little?
The old?
Equate my X and bring me home...
I hold two worlds;
The future and the past!
Does it make me the present?; the Isthmus of Darien?

Who am I?
Wake me from my slumber!

Peety Pity Silly Bum!
I sing this song and i need a rum...
I'm in a world i can't call my own...

Who am I?
Wake me from my slumber!

I stand in mid road alone,
Like a lone tree in a savanna zone...
If i can't find me, in these words I'll paint my own...
Be immortal without the devil's song...
Like Dorian Gray,
But my art lives forever young,
While the spirit drums to a heavenly home.

Who am I?
I'm awake from my slumber...

Peety Pretty Willy Man...
I sing this song and i need a rum!
Alas I've created a world of my own...

Who am I?
I'm awake from my slumber!


In sundry worlds, across the ocean,

Two lovers live…

At the edges like Aurora, Hyperion’s seed

I’m Psyche, and she’s Cupid

How can this be?

She’s a ‘god’,

I’m just human

Can cope with my unending misdeeds?

That is love’s anomaly

Now the people clamour…

“Accord him his kind; bestow her hers…that should work properly”


I’m a weak mind, and a feeble soul…

She’s sturdy; she can mould me whole,

Make me her kind so I cease to grow.

The heart of love,

From up above,

The Uranus, like a white dove,

To certify my baptism

Now I’m her kind,

So let’s love and never mind…

Cupid I am, and she’s Psyche…

She’s Cupid, so what else can I be?

Bother not ‘bout whatever it might be…

Leave our love to us; we’ll be the best you’ll see…

Are you all our Venuses?

Jealous not our BEAUTIFUL dream…

Defy all odds,

And tick when the clock tocks…

Selene, lend me the moon…

Helios, lend me the sun,

So I’ll put the two together to live as one…

No day and night…

Just a strip of ticking time I will call Daight.