Wednesday, March 24, 2010


He rode in a golden rust coated chariot pulled by six shires,

And following were six brides.

He was beautiful, and his skin was shiny as the stars in autumn skies...

He wore a silver robe with well tucked golden hems...

A black cloak,

And on his side was hanging a clock.

Its seconds ticked backwards,

And on his back, was a bold red inscription; DEATH....

He had three legs.

Five steps away from his horses and chariot, he turned,

Facing the farm house where wobbly Bob sat...
He spat,

Then like a lighted torch, his eyes glowed

The earth rolled...

Creating a path where he strode.

The brides walked by his side,

Totally blocking my sight…

They carried in their hands bottles,

And in them were strange scented medicines...

Couldn’t believe, but I had just seen the world's nemesis...

He sat next to wobbly Bob,

Placed his walking stick on the greasy floor,

Lit a stick, took a puff, and gave off a feeble roar.

He was ill.

Death needed a pill.

His sixth bride sped off across the field

She broke the bottles and spilled the pill...

She dropped her ring that had a shield!

Exactly what Glowy Rose had when she died beneath the corn mill...

'twas her.

She wanted revenge...

The world needed a change...

Wobbly Bob wept for his late daughter again.

I climbed the milk bush to see a better screen...

Yay the life taker is wailing in pain-

Ooo my very dream!

Sick death doodled...

And it killed his cute black poodle.


I spat out my indomie noodle.

He gasped for air,

Scratched his head and pulled his hair.

He coughed, coughed and tore his cloth

Death was dying and it was rough.

He felt the pain his victims did before...

Wanted to call 911 but what do i report?

It was way too late for death was already gone.

He died today in grandpa's home.

Gramps the Wobbly Bob jubilated, and i danced along.

Death died in my dream on that cold dawn.

Death died by my bed in grandpa's home.


Let my ink draw the key notes that my mind thinks;

And my tongue swell, with the songs that my soul bring,

And my lips explode with the songs of our soul rhythms,

And the air shake itself in utmost disbelief.

Let my lips traverse your tender pout;

And graze the lands around your nape proud.

Blending our breath in unison,

Let me fly into your head now

So I can hear what you desire in clear sound,

And not farrago.

That’s how far I go


Let me slide to that soft reddish spot

I’ll penetrate and thrust deeper than you’ve ever thought


Your heart is all I ever want.

You are far away,

But here I am; I’m never gone.

Let me caress you with my avocado oil words,

Turn you on with my single verse,

And carry you to the climax with its curves.

Let me hold you through these lines

And through the nights,

And let these words be your warmth;

Your winter cold’s demise.

Let me show you love beyond the arrow wielding boy’s might

Far from a wily wimp’s sight

Impregnate you with my emotions,

And let’s walk on love’s wavy ocean without fright.

Friday, March 19, 2010


In dusk dew, sitting beneath the willow,

On the empty meadow.

Staring at thick dust-covered glasses of farmhouse windows,

I spill my ink, and loose my quill,

In the sheath of hay covering the soft sweating field...

Beyond the layers of my hair and dark scalp,

There are million tissues, veins and warm blood...

And comfortably seated in its section is my still brain,

With its sharp edges cutting through my thoughts like steel blade.

I send a wordless whisper...

My happy-sad brain loudly speak in continues twitter,

That only I can hear,

But leaves its words on my black face, clear!

I feel the clement breeze sweep swiftly through the life around,

And watch the many blank white wings of my book flutter with sound,

My emotions grapple my thoughts,

Draging it fiercely through the corners of my head, like a grapnel...

No ink yet i scribble...

Words in a silent whistle...

An empty page and empty sheet,

Is what i returned with, when the sun hit my feet.


Tryin tuh relax me head,
Cos silly lad got uh date wid wordz.
Whut do ah give her, uh glass o' wine or uh shiny beautiful verse?
Me head spinnin' en me heart skippin'
Cos silly lad got uh date wid wordz.

Ah stand in de middle'o me lil stuffy room
While de flickerin' flame o' de candle illuminates me mood,
Leavin' on de wall, de shadow o' me ink filled spoon.

Me messy bedbug bed
Or me 'oman's wooden table dere?

Ah got uh date wid wordz,
En she got me brains functionin' lak uh work-ox en a brood-sow.
Her beauty lak ah never saw...
O'Lawd en Massa Jesus, have mercy!
Or ah ain't gointuh do it no mo'
Cos wordz finna tilt me head towards de grave befo' morn.

Ah slide me dirdy pants under me bed wid dem empty coke cans.
Me lady almos' here buh ah'm hongry - mahn!
Ah kin stash in me pocket, a piece o'bread,
Who cares? - ah do mah own laundry.

Ah jus let her in...
Me lady of errday dream.
She fair...
Big booty en uh milky skin.
She lay on me bedbug bed
Buh gits no bite lak dem bedbugs dead.
She speaks in mah head...
En in me books, wid mah ink-filled spoon ah print her wordz.

Ah jus had uh date wid wordz,
En ah ain't served her no wine, buh a shiny beautiful verse.


I am the black calabar land,

Ruled by a single hand-

My emotions...

I am torn apart by the presence of my heart and mind;

My abominable children,

Cursed by my gods so they bring me a bad omen...

They bore the cause of my suffering:

Confused thoughts and a broken heart they were offering.

I am the black Calabar land,

Sinking my progress in my own blood...

Killing myself with my own sword...

Lost beyond sheds of stereotype thoughts.

She came, spoke,

And she brought me hope...

Brought me vision from a different scope...

In a soft tone her words rose...

I embraced her 'God';

Companionship and love abound.

My black Mary Slessor...

Saved my Calabar land,

My children, and pulled me out from my very blood.

Her religion, i'm glad i've got...