Friday, March 19, 2010


Tryin tuh relax me head,
Cos silly lad got uh date wid wordz.
Whut do ah give her, uh glass o' wine or uh shiny beautiful verse?
Me head spinnin' en me heart skippin'
Cos silly lad got uh date wid wordz.

Ah stand in de middle'o me lil stuffy room
While de flickerin' flame o' de candle illuminates me mood,
Leavin' on de wall, de shadow o' me ink filled spoon.

Me messy bedbug bed
Or me 'oman's wooden table dere?

Ah got uh date wid wordz,
En she got me brains functionin' lak uh work-ox en a brood-sow.
Her beauty lak ah never saw...
O'Lawd en Massa Jesus, have mercy!
Or ah ain't gointuh do it no mo'
Cos wordz finna tilt me head towards de grave befo' morn.

Ah slide me dirdy pants under me bed wid dem empty coke cans.
Me lady almos' here buh ah'm hongry - mahn!
Ah kin stash in me pocket, a piece o'bread,
Who cares? - ah do mah own laundry.

Ah jus let her in...
Me lady of errday dream.
She fair...
Big booty en uh milky skin.
She lay on me bedbug bed
Buh gits no bite lak dem bedbugs dead.
She speaks in mah head...
En in me books, wid mah ink-filled spoon ah print her wordz.

Ah jus had uh date wid wordz,
En ah ain't served her no wine, buh a shiny beautiful verse.

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