Sunday, June 28, 2009


I sat beneath the canopied trees
Feeling the cool morning breeze
Waiting patiently as the sun rose
I looked at the vast stretch of greens across the fields
Listened quietly as the tree branches tattered
And the song birds chattered
They hopped from tree to tree
As the sung songs with harmonious melodies
Bringing all nature life and great memories

The butterflies flying across the sky
Troops of ants march between my legs
Gathering enough before the rains come
I could hear nature communicate with each other
And each one of them understanding each other
The sunflower is not only giving the farmer oil
But the sunbird get its fair share
As it sucked out nectar

The roses were not left out
Like a crowd of demonstrators they stood
Red, pink and white;
How unique they looked
And they swayed as the winds blew
The pond is decorated with beautiful water lilies
Floating on the surface as the duck swam
For two and ten minutes, I sat staring
Stared as the sun stood full
In the greyed canopied clouds
Took a last glimpse at the beautiful environment
Then realised that nature really holds beauty
For there is nothing like it

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