Friday, June 26, 2009


In my head you were conceived...
In my head you were a foetus...
Through this ink you were birthed...
You were so beautiful and fair;
Your eyes, so bright and clear...
It blinded my vision; made it blur
From thence I could tell you needed tender care...

Each time you took different shapes and colours
O beautiful baby of great honour...
I could tell you were God’s gift to me;
His symbol of my dream...

You are the lady of the night,
The stars up so bright...
You came, and killed my plight...
You will be the goddess of the world;
For in all situations my girl...
You will be on time and in sight!

From your strong bones I could imagine your strength...
Touched your heart and I felt your love...
So from thence I proclaimed your name as POEM!

O my beautiful Poem...
Had I not birthed you,
Had I not nursed you,
Whom would I have spoken to?

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